On the Colour Couch with make-up artist Kristina Gasperas

little book of colour on the colour couch with make up artist kristina gasperas

I first met Kristina at a women’s networking event back around 2014. I was in much need of professional photos for website and I was thrilled that not only was Kristina a make-up artist, but a photographer as well. Since then, Kristina has been my make-up artist and professional photographer. We bonded over our shared love of colour and so today, I’m pleased to have Kristina on The Colour Couch to share what colour means in her colour filled world!

What is your earliest colour memory?

My earliest colour memory is when I was about 5 or 6 years old. We received a parcel from relatives in the USA who sent me and my sister a matching skirt and top outfit in a luxurious satin material and a deeply mesmerising burgundy shade. It was about 3 sizes too big for me and over the next few years, almost on a daily basis, I kept getting into my mother’s wardrobe to stroke it and admire it and dream of wearing it when I grew up. Several years later, when I was tall enough to wear it, it was one of my happiest days. I felt special, powerful and the prettiest girl ever.

What does colour mean to you?

Colour means the power to change how I look and feel. I choose which colour I wear, depending on my mood. I also enjoy using colour on my clients to change the way they feel about themselves.

In makeup, colour has a tremendous power. It can make you look youthful and classy, or if used incorrectly, it can make you look washed out, older and not at all stylish.

Since I learnt more about colour psychology and better colour choices, my confidence level in myself and my makeup work has shot up. For this I’ll be forever grateful to you Karen, for such eye-opening colour education.

Do you have a favourite colour or a colour that you find yourself constantly drawn to? And why?

My favourite colour has changed over the last 2 years. I used to live in grey but during the lockdown I spent time learning more about colour.

The Little Book Of Colour literally changed my life and many of my clients have said the same. I was also lucky enough to spend several days with you Karen, creating an online colour course for makeup artists. I’ve learned, and even more importantly unlearned, the incorrect information out there about colour theory.

I spent time buying inexpensive T-shirts from online stores in various colours, wearing them and analysing how I looked and felt. Now that I discovered the colours that light me up inside and out, some of my favourites to wear are sand, peachy-pink and olive green.

Do you have a colour that you least like? And why?

I don’t like bright colours, such as electric pink, orange and lime green. They distract me from the world around me, grabbing my attention away from other things.  

What do you love most about working with colour?

The power it gives me to change how my clients feel about themselves when looking in the mirror. With a better understanding of colour theory and psychology, I can now make my clients rediscover their beauty when I apply flattering makeup colours on them, after they’ve been stuck using colours that are wrong for them for many years.

It’s the best feeling in the world seeing my clients leave my studio walking taller, smiling broader and taking selfies non-stop – falling in love with themselves all over again. I enjoy using colour to make my more mature clients look and feel more youthful.

What do you think your life would be like without colour?

I don’t think I would be as good at makeup artistry if I wasn’t able to use colour to make my clients look their very best. I would also look and feel older, because at 44, I love wearing colours that make me look younger and healthier.

What’s your favourite colour story?

I have so many stories from my personal colour journey, as well as those of my clients. If I had to pick one, it would be that I always thought grey suited me most. Over the last few years, I noticed that I often looked drained and tired and had to pile on more makeup to make myself look better. My wardrobe consisted of many shades of grey, black and white.

In 2020 I spent time with you Karen, learning more about colour, doing colour draping and analysing my feelings towards different colours. I began to understand about the tremendous power of colour and how by just wearing the right colours I looked and felt much better.

Ageing is no longer as scary, because I know that flattering makeup, hair and clothing colours will help me look my best for many years to come. 

Were you ever afraid or wary of colour? And what did you do to overcome this?

I was always stuck on greys and wary of wearing any other colour. Until 2020, I think I had maybe one or two outfits that had some colour on them, like patterns of blue flowers or green leaves. To this day, I can’t believe how dramatically my wardrobe has changed, ever since I learned more about colour.

Now I have soft autumnal shades in my wardrobe ranging from green, to blue, to pink, brown, caramel, sand… All the colours that make me feel and look amazing every time I wear them. I fell in love with colour by discovering those that flatter me. I did this by using my time during lockdown to study The Little Book of Colour, and doing self-analysis by trying many makeup, hair and outfit colours, to see how they looked on me and how I felt wearing them.

Do you have a favourite colour place that you visit (or have visited)?

The South Island of New Zealand. To this day I remember with awe the most stunning natural shades of blue lakes, green forests and the mountains. I did one of the most scenic drives in New Zealand and it took ages because I kept stopping to admire the mesmerising scenes. The most breath-taking harmonies of colours that the memories of still take my breath away to this day.

If you could pick any colour and give it a name, what would that be?

Light peachy-pink – I’d name it Ageless Beauty. It seems to have a super anti-ageing power. Even just a touch of this peachy-pink lipstick makes women look fresher and more youthful.  

For anyone afraid of colour what would your number 1 piece of advice be?

Firstly read The Little Book Of Colour. Do the recommended colour tests and then start experimenting by trying colours from your season. Eventually, you’ll get better at selecting the ones that flatter you, but be patient. It takes time to learn how to pick the right colours for you. Some you’ll know suit you instantly, you’ll love how you look wearing them, some you won’t be sure of. The more colours you try and the more time you spend analysing how you look and feel wearing them, the better you’ll get at selecting the right shades for you. 

Which colourful person do you most admire and would love me to interview for the On the Colour Couch series?

Viktorija Vaisvilaite-Skirutiene, who is my original makeup tutor.

I love Kristina’s joy and love for colour not just for the transformation it has for her clients, but the difference it has made in her life too. I no idea the extent my book and our colour sessions made, how kind of Kristina to share this x.

If you would like to discover more about Kristina, head over to her instagram @kristinagasperasmua.

Wishing you a colourful day,

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